Mrs. Turk

Mrs. Turk

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Ebooks in the Library: yay or nay?

As we forge on into the 21st century, eBooks are becoming more and more prevalent. We are now at the point where I need your feedback on weather or not we should make more of a concerted effort to join the eBook revolution.
We have some funds available and I would like the input of parents, students. and fellow teachers at the school as to whether or not we should make more e-readers and e-titles available to our students. Please voice your opinions here. Thank you!


  1. Yes we should! They are easy to use. They do not wear out or break, so you do not have to order a new one every couple of years. They are also easy to keep up with because they are on your phone or tablet(who leaves their home without them?). Another reason to use eBooks is, you can share multiple copies with multiple students at the same time. They are very cost effective and very efficient way of learning.

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  3. Personally, I have never been a fan of eBooks. I find having a paper book more enjoyable and easier to use because I can easily flip through my pages to find information. That being said, I do think that students should have access to eBooks in the library, simply because this gives the students more access to a variety of books. As far as textbooks go in the classroom, I feel like students should be able to still have an option whether or not they read out of a hard copy text book or the eBook option.

  4. I have mixed feelings about eBooks! I personally still like to have a book physically in my hands. I do not feel like eBooks should replace a library. It is important for students to still know how to look up books and reference materials in the library. I do, however, feel that eBooks are a great way for students to access a variety of books, while using technology at the same time. The students at my school use and love the eBook program Big Universe!

  5. I like eBooks but I feel that a hard copy should still be available. While eBooks are easy to access and you don't have to worry about carrying it around, I like to be able to flip pages and hold a hard copy.
